2025 Advertising Opportunities

Written By: PromoPulse
August 23, 2024

Are you a supplier or service provider looking to reach a wider audience of distributors and customers in the promotional products industry? Look no further than PromoPulse. Over 20,000 distributors use our free app, daily email and web solutions every week. In addition, a growing number of distributors are using AMP, our automated marketing platform, to send supplier branded product content to their customers.

We offer three advertising opportunities that can help suppliers or service providers effectively promote your brand and increase your reach.

Featured Publisher

Our entry level package is called Featured Publisher. This is a great value if you are frequently posting content to your social media channels. Think of it as boosting content, but without doing any work and boosting only to promotional products distributors. The main content in our free app and daily email is primarily from our Featured Publishers.

Sponsored Content

Another popular package is called Sponsored Content. Sponsored Content is great for targeted and custom campaigns to distributors and you have the ability to set your own budget. Sponsored Content is shown much larger in the app and daily email, plus content can be anything you like. We can even manage this for you so you don’t have to do any work.

Pulse Trends

Finally our Pulse Trends package is for suppliers with lifestyle imagery who want to reach distributors and their customers.

Exclusive Reach

In addition to your content being included in distributor AMP marketing campaigns, lifestyle imagery from only Pulse Trends suppliers is featured in four places:

  1. Our weekly Pulse Trends email that is sent to over 15,000 distributors
  2. Under the Trends tab of the free PromoPulse app for easy distributor social media sharing
  3. In our Idea Generator, a web tool that is now available to every distributor in the industry
  4. In our upcoming AMP Starter Email for distributors

Distributor Insight

In addition, only Pulse Trends suppliers have access to our new Pulse Trends report that gives insight into your content and the distributors featuring your content in their AMP campaigns

Idea Generators for your Sales Team

We can create custom Idea Generators for each of your sales staff. Reps can send their Idea Generator to distributor or link from their email signature; distributor inquiries go straight to the rep.

Concierge Content Service

If your team does not have the time to post lifestyle content, no problem, we will post for you. We can even create lifestyle content for you using AI! Full concierge content service is also included in Pulse Trends.

Contact us today

In summary, PromoPulse provides a variety of options to help suppliers reach more distributors and their customers with their content. Contact us today to get started!

Exponentially increase the reach of your marketing content